Project Manager Training
Let us help you develop your project managers so they are able to not only handle a successful project management methodology, but also deal with the people-side of projects.
We can provide you with training for your project managers, as well as your teams to produce consistent results.
Our course options.
Each module below can be delivered alone or combined with others to create an integrated custom program that is tailored to your needs.
We involve you in determining the exact objectives you are trying to achieve, the learning points that you want covered, and work with you to create the scenarios and exercises to ensure that we have captured your work culture and environment.
Your training program will include a reference manual that follows the training delivery, an participant workbook to capture notes and exercise results, quick reference guides (where applicable), and any optionally purchased publications and assessments you choose to use.
Leadership Certificate Program
Are you interested in course offerings for individuals looking to advance their careers and learn new skills?
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Once you have hired that new employee – now what? Retaining new talent is one of the biggest issues employers face today – through the world! New employees, and even existing employees, need a plan for development within your organization that sets you apart from other employers. Creating a mutually agreed-upon development path, and then monitoring its execution will go a long way to keeping talent within your organization.
It is seldom the technical issues that derail projects – it is people issues. Added to these issues is the fact that most projects are matrix-based, meaning that team members are managed by departmental managers within the organization – not the project manager. An effective project manager must be able to deal with the people issues on their projects in order that they can complete their projects on time, budget, and scope.
You may be building a team from scratch, or working with an existing team, but how do you build them into a highly functional team? Using the 6 characteristics of effective teams, build a solid foundation for your team and use it to keep your track highly functional.
Making a good team great takes superior coaching and feedback skills. The results of your effective coaching will advance the skills of your team members, everyone gaining from the experience.
Communications is the cornerstone of business – and it is also the biggest problem for most organizations. Learn the barriers to communication and how to overcome them.
There is no avoiding conflict in the workplace. Dealing effectively with conflict is a skill that can be mastered through and understanding of when it is negative, and practising the skills to deal with it. Turn conflict into creative problem solving.
One of the most difficult, and crucial parts of project management is creating the plan. Cost & Estimating Techniques will teach effective methods to determine and test time and cost estimates. Utilize multiple methods to ensure that your estimates are as accurate as possible before finalizing your plan.
Do you rely on “creative” people to come up with those creative and innovative solutions? Do you wish you were one of them? You might not consider yourself creative or innovative, but there are ways to work towards creative and innovative solutions for you and your team.
Difficult people can be encountered in many aspects in one’s life – no place more frustrating than at work. Develop the skills to deal with difficult people and resolve the conflict that arises by achieving a win-win resolution.
Great managers learn how to effectively delegate to get tasks done, while at the same time developing their people by teaching them new skills and having them demonstrate their proficiency. So why don’t all managers delegate? It’s hard to relinquish control, but by learning effective delegation, you will be a much more effective manager, and surprisingly, more in control.
Getting your message across is even more critical when you are presenting to the executive level in your organization. Make the most out of your time, and gain buy in from your audience.
Honing your influencing skills will give you a leg up on negotiations, meetings, conversations and managing people. To be a great influencer, you need to learn about power bases and your personal power, influencing styles, and networking. Use this program to enhance your abilities to negotiate, achieve results at meetings, and improve your management success.
Many organizations rely on a decentralized workforce to achieve their day-to-day responsibilities. When these decentralized functions span large geographic areas, project teams may include team members who are seldom, even never, co-located with their team members. Managing the virtual team has some distinct challenges.
With the amount of time you spend running, attending or following up meetings, learning effective meeting skills is paramount. This program will provide you valuable information even if all you do is attend meetings. Make effective use of your time and make sure that your meetings produce results.
Once you’ve established a great team, you need to keep them motivated to maintain the peak performance you require. But what motivates people? Explore intrinsic and extrinsic motivators and techniques to use them.
Negotiations take planning and practice to result in a situation where both parties are satisfied. Learn how the techniques to master negotiations applicable to your work environment, and other aspects of your life.
Negotiations take planning and practice to result in a situation where both parties are satisfied. Learn how the techniques to master negotiations applicable to your work environment, and other aspects of your life.
Negotiations take planning and practice to result in a situation where both parties are satisfied. Learn how the techniques to master negotiations applicable to your work environment, and other aspects of your life.
Don’t just stand there and present your ideas, use your influencing skills to gain buy-in. Polish your presentation skills by starting at the beginning with effective planning, creating a great presentation, and nailing the presentation.
Working hard is not the same as working smart. A great manager knows the difference and can focus on the important tasks at hand. Understanding the difference between important and urgent, and making the right choice when setting priorities enables managers to effectively manage priorities and get results.
There will always be problems. Since that is a given, a great manager will need to be creative and effective at problem solving. This course will show you the barriers to problem solving that you can avoid, and approaches to creating effective solutions. This is a great course for a team to attend.
You don’t need to be a certified project manager to effectively run projects. And using Microsoft Project is not managing projects. You might not have a project management office or even any project methodologies, but learning the basics of project management will set you up for success.
Learn the key components to plan, execute, monitor and control your projects. This program is intended for all members of your project team to create a level of project management understanding and buy-in, and set you up for success.
This program comes with a basic project planner for you to use during the course, and for you to use as a methodology on any subsequent projects you tackle.
In this course you will learn the “must know” Project Management basics – plan, manage, monitor, control, assess risks and report your project. Learn how to manage client expectations, push back “do it faster” managers and clients to handle to inevitable project changes.
In this course you will learn the Project Management essentials – plan, manage, monitor, control, assess risks and report your project. Learn how to manage client expectations, push back “do it faster” managers and clients to handle to inevitable project changes. Delve into working with matrix teams and their unique management. Practice estimating for planning and reporting purposes.
In this course you will focus on the Project Management essentials – managing the project and the project team. Key topics include planning project scope, sponsor management and buy-in, creating the charter, estimating time and cost, and managing and reporting your project.
Effective Managers know that they need to alter their management style to match the requirements of their employees. To be most effective, managers need to know what type of management their employees need in each situation. Situational Leadership provides leaders with a simple, but effective, leadership model.